How does the Polygraph Pre-Employment Screening (Background Check) help secure my Business?
While most job applicants are honest and hardworking individuals, some of them try to gain a job by misrepresenting their background, employment history, education, experience, and abilities on their resume and application. Consequently, some individuals are hired who eventually put the employer, co-workers, and members of the public at risk because of their inappropriate behaviour. Many employers do not even institute pre-employment background checks on their employees because they do not realise its importance before it is too late. Some employers rely on perfunctory screening methods like interviewing, checking with characters referees and past employers which are inadequate, especially for positions of trust.
Polygraph screening often reveals reliable information not obtainable by any other means. These include concealing/falsifying background information or qualifications, criminal records, undetected crimes like theft from previous employers, fraud, corruption, drug offences, sexual crimes, violent behaviour, membership of undesirable or subversive groups and other unsuitable behaviour.
There is a saying that humans are inherently greedy animals and our hunger knows no bounds. Studies have shown that employee theft in retail businesses are rampant despite security measures like CCTV cameras and other control measures.
With the increasing reliance on computer technology and the Internet, computer crime has become a major concern among large corporations.
Time To Be Proactive: Corporate fraud can strike any company, anytime. Contrary to popular belief, corporate fraud happens to good companies and effective managers. Our decades of experience in polygraph personnel screening provides organisations with an effective proactive means to detect and/or deter such crimes. Through in-service polygraph testing, we help businesses identify the dishonest employees and find out how much they have stolen so that corrective action can be taken.